Happy HomeHost Guest

Airbnb has continued to grow in popularity and prevalence over the years. Gone are the days of only being able to stay in hostels, hotels, or motels. Instead, Airbnb allows homeowners to rent their spaces to travellers keen on setting up bases in more intimate surroundings for their vacation.

Airbnb bookings have increased by over half in the past two years alone. Over 14,000 new hosts join the platform every month, coming to over four million hosts around the globe. 

But, although this has led to an influx in tourism, there are certain drawbacks for Airbnb owners—one of the major hassles being handling demanding guests. 

But don’t worry. We will tell you about Airbnb management strategies and prepare you for guest conflict resolution. So, buckle up, and let’s dive in. 

Preparing for Guests

Before guests arrive at the property, there are specific procedures homeowners should follow to make sure the rental is acceptable for guests. 

First things first, snap a few pictures of your Airbnb. This way, you showcase the best parts of your rental and avoid guest letdowns.

Then, outline amenities like WiFi, smart TV, and other features that make your property stand out. Be sure to tick all relevant boxes so everyone understands where you’re located, what rules you have, and any local regulations. 

As an Airbnb homeowner, you must be prompt when communicating with guests.

After all, studies show people are more likely to abandon the booking process if they don’t get a timely response

Always be courteous when addressing questions and answering in detail – even when queries seem apparent.

Only use Airbnb Messenger when communicating with guests. As tempting as it might be, if you use third-party platforms like WhatsApp or social media, you cannot ask Airbnb for help if any problems occur. 

One effective way to save yourself time is to use a house manual. It’s a handy tool that tells guests everything they need to know about your rental, from rules to contact information. You can also use it to answer commonly asked questions like check-in and check-out instructions. 

Identifying Difficult Guests

No matter how well-prepared you are, you can’t guarantee every booking will go just right. Sometimes, the fault lies with the host needing to communicate clearly with guests. But, unfortunately, at other times, it’s the guest who, for whatever reason, proves difficult. 

Of course, your best bet is to avoid dealing with challenging guests in the first place. Thankfully, there are several signs someone will be more trouble than they are worth. 

We recommend having a face-to-face chat, so you can outline the house rules and get a feel for the person. If the guest seems uneasy, feel free to cancel the reservation. 

Another thing to look out for is a false identity. If you find a fake account, we recommend declining the request before the guest arrives. 

In addition, too much information can be a red flag. For example, excess information or stories about personal problems can be used to guilt-trip owners into accepting requests.

Furthermore, homeowners should not accept guests who refuse to make a secure payment on the Airbnb platform before booking.

Another common problem is last-minute bookings. Although last-minute bookings are standard for backpackers and young travellers, a rushed booking can sometimes indicate other issues. 

Lastly, owners should not accept bartering as a means of payment for their Airbnb stay, as this can mean negligence of rules. 

Managing Difficult Guests

Homeowners can use a few strategies for guest behaviour management to avoid any long-term issues.

  1. Screen the guest before accepting the booking 
  2. Speak with the guest
  3. Bring up any issues you have regarding the guest
  4. Clearly outline house rules 
  5. Respond honestly to all the reviews.

Resolving Issues

Addressing issues promptly and professionally is an absolute must for hosts to avoid any legal actions with their hosting platform. 

One of the main tips for hosts is to use active listening. Ensure you understand what the guest tells you with their queries or concerns. 

In addition, hosts need to aim toward a mutually beneficial resolution. Finding a mutually beneficial solution ensures the guest and host leave satisfied. 

Furthermore, If you are dealing with an angry or irrational guest, have a third-party witness to ensure the safety of both parties. 

Lastlyeven if a guest was in the wrong, do not immediately blame them in a situation. The best thing to do is offer solutions, mediate the case, and diffuse the atmosphere. If the problem does not improve, contact Airbnb for the next step. 

Preventing Future Problems 

Learning from challenging guest scenarios is a great way to help improve your home’s ratings and avoid future problems. 

There are specific strategies guests can use to prevent future problems.

First, focus on clear and detailed communication. Consistent communication over messaging before a guest stays in the home is vital. Next, add all information and answer common guest questions in the property description. 

Second, you may need to make new house rules. If the guests are consistently not behaving, updating the rules can help everyone be on the same page. For example, if neighbours complain about loud noise, add ‘quiet hours’ or be more selective with your guests.

Lastly, the final way to prevent issues is to be more stringent with who you allow staying at your property. Read every guest’s profile, read past reviews, and ask the guest questions about the purpose of their stay.


Instead of giving up on renting your Airbnb home altogether, there are a few key strategies you can use for managing Airbnb problems. But, of course, just because you had bad experiences does not reflect on the platform. 

We recommend keeping transparent and open communication, strictly vetting your guests, adhering to local laws and regulations, answering guest questions, and following your instincts. 

If you have had negative guest experiences, this can help teach you things to improve moving forward. 

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Talk to Home Host – call 1300 171 718.